Monday 18 May 2009

Flog the Blog Day (18)

I’ve returned from Venice – starting my journey very early in the morning and went straight into a full workday and a committee meeting this evening.

I don’t have much energy left to write a special FTBD-post.

Most of you know what I’m asking, so please don’t hesitate to leave any comments on the blog, be it about layout or style or about content or anything

I’m preparing for a couple of bigger local events and am somewhat behind at the moment. I’m hoping to catch up in the next week(s).

imageOne last observation about Venice I do want to include in this post. Perhaps some of you have deducted, I’m a fan of Terry Pratchett. Well, if there’s any city comparable to Ankh-Morpork on Earth, it is Venice.

With it’s narrow streets, nooks and bridges, very commercial multi-cultured inhabitants and hot (smelly) climate, it is unique. Walking through the alleyways at four o’clock in the morning, I was half expecting to cross the path of the late vampire returning home or a early dwarf going to his work…. But fortunately, Bruntolino was walking with me, so that shouldn’t have been a problem.

1 comment:

  1. Ankh Morpork is many, many places- though I'd say it is mainly London with a heavy dose of Cambridge (where I live) and a lesser one of Oxford.

    Seriously. One of the villages near Cambridge had what were refered to as "Treacle Mines". The real "Short Street" is very, very short.


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